Inserts HTML form (single button) to take user to directory browser.

The following parameters are recognized:


The directory on the server to browse.


The text to appear on the button (defaults to directory if omitted).


The URL to return to if user presses the "Exit" button.


Optional title attribute to appear as a tooltip to the user when their mouse hovers over the button.


Optional return from label.


Optional directory filter value (defaults to ".* *" if omitted).


Optional file filter value (defaults to ".* *" if omitted).


Optional set of attributes to apply to input entity.


Optional browse button return label (defaults to "Return" if omitted).


Optional parameter passing SYNCKEY value.


Optional set of attributes to apply to the form entity.

This macro allows one to insert a button to take the user to the NST directory browser for a particular directory on the server. Unfortunately, there is no return parameter.

Example of using the macro:

@wuiBrowseButton("/root","home directory","../my.cgi","This is my home directory","My Page",,"*.txt","@htmlAttr("style","width: 100%;")")

Assuming the com.ccg.macros.at.All class is within your CLASSPATH and the config/bash.at macros file has been generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the wui directory), a developer should be able to run the above example by copy/pasting from below:

[root@probe root]# java com.ccg.macros.at.All <<EOF

@wuiBrowseButton("/root","home directory","../my.cgi","This is my home directory","My Page",,"*.txt","@htmlAttr("style","width: 100%;")")


This macro is defined as:

  @wuiInputHidden("path","$(echo "@param(0)" | html_doublequote_escape 2> /dev/null)")
  @wuiInputHidden("return","@ifEqual("@param(2)","","../../index.cgi#System","$(echo "@param(2)" | html_doublequote_escape 2> /dev/null)")")
  @wuiInputHidden("dir_match","$(echo "@fnb("@param(5)",".* *")" | html_doublequote_escape 2> /dev/null)")
  @wuiInputHidden("file_match","$(echo "@fnb("@param(6)",".* *")" | html_doublequote_escape 2> /dev/null)")