
The start of the footnote table.

Pages containing @footNoteRef() entries typically have a footnote table at the end of the document. This macro is used to mark the start of the footnote table.

Example of using the macro:

@p("Try running the kismet client@footNoteRef("#nstref","1").")


  @footNoteTableRow("setupRequired","1","Depends upon prior setup of
other package(s).")

  @footNoteTableRow("internetRequired","2","Requires Internet Connection.")

  @footNoteTableRow("xRequired","3","You must have a @bold("X") server
running to use these links (and it must accept connections from this
@nst() probe). This is required for ALL of the links in the
@link("#X","X Window Applications") table.")


Assuming the com.ccg.macros.at.All class is within your CLASSPATH and the config/html.at macros file has been generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the wui directory), a developer should be able to run the above example by copy/pasting from below:

[root@probe root]# java com.ccg.macros.at.All <<EOF

@p("Try running the kismet client@footNoteRef("#nstref","1").")


  @footNoteTableRow("setupRequired","1","Depends upon prior setup of
other package(s).")

  @footNoteTableRow("internetRequired","2","Requires Internet Connection.")

  @footNoteTableRow("xRequired","3","You must have a @bold("X") server
running to use these links (and it must accept connections from this
@nst() probe). This is required for ALL of the links in the
@link("#X","X Window Applications") table.")



This macro is defined as:


    <col @htmlAttr("width","2%") @htmlAttr("align","left") >
    <col @htmlAttr("width","98%") @htmlAttr("align","left") >")