NST Screen Shots

The following screen shots will give you an idea of some of the capabilities of NST.

NST Network Interface Bandwidth Monitor

NST Network Interface Bandwidth Monitor
This image is an example of the Network Interface Bandwidth Monitor. This application is an interactive dynamic SVG/AJAX enabled tool for monitoring pseudo real-time bandwidth rates.

nsttracroute: Albany, New York To www.vaisala.com

nsttracroute: Albany, New York To www.vaisala.com
This image depicts an nsttraceroute from a system located in "Albany, New York" to the web site: "www.vaisala.com" and then renders the results Google Earth. See the HowTo document: HowTo Geolocate Traceroute Data for more information.

ntop World Map Hosts

ntop World Map Hosts
The Mercator World Map shown above displays all "Hosts" geolocated from an ntop session. See the HowTo document: HowTo Geolocate ntop Data for more information.

Network Protocol Analyzer: Web Interface To Wireshark

Network Protocol Analyzer: Web Interface To Wireshark
The NST WUI provides a full front end to the wireshark network protocol analyzer. This screen shot demonstrates one of the available decoded outputs (TCP traffic) as it will appear in the 1.5.0 release of NST. In addition to the color coding, hot links are provided which enable one to further drill down to packets which interest them (including the ability to dynamically follow a particular TCP stream).

Network Protocol Analyzer: Wireshark with I/O Graph

Network Protocol Analyzer: Wireshark with I/O Graph
This screen shows an I/O graph produced by the network protocol analyzer: wireshark (Note: Formerly know as: ethereal). The red bars on the graph represent http protocol network traffic. The NST FluxBox desktop in this screen was rendered with a VNC client running on a Windows XP Professional desktop.

NST Virtual Machine

NST Virtual Machine
This screen shot shows what one will typically see after logging into the NST Virtual Machine. The sceen shot was taken on a Windows XP desktop running at 1280x1024 using the GIMP. The NST Virtual Machine (version 1.4.1) is shown running at 1024x768 within a VMware Server Console. The NST is running within a VMware Server (the free version) on this same Windows XP system. If you look closely, you'll notice:

NST Live Boot Screen

NST Live Boot Screen
This is a typical display of the main NST Live boot screen.

NST Grub2 Boot Screen

NST Grub2 Boot Screen
This is a typical display of an NST GRUB2 boot screen.

NST Login Screen (GNOME 3 GNOME Shell)

NST Login Screen (GNOME 3 GNOME Shell)
This is a typical display of an NST GNOME 3 GNOME Shell login screen.

NST Login Screen (GNOME 3 Fallback Mode GDM)

NST Login Screen (GNOME 3 Fallback Mode GDM)
This is a typical display of an NST GNOME 3 Fallback Mode - GDM login screen.

NST (GNOME 3 Desktop - W3af)

NST (GNOME 3 Desktop - W3af)
This is a an NST GNOME 3 Desktop currently displaying the W3af - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework network security application.

Network Monitor: Running TcpTrack and Etherape

Network Monitor: Running TcpTrack and Etherape
This screen shows both tcptrack and etherape running on NST. Both of these tools provide a glimpse of the current TCP connections/traffic.

Network Sniffer: Running Ettercap

Network Sniffer: Running Ettercap
This screen shows information which ettercap determined after a minute of sniffing the connection between my home LAN and the Internet.

Display: X Server

Display: X Server
After seeing that the @wmweather_Link() dock app indicated that it was raining in my area, I decided to see if any lightning was occurring. While a real time lightning display isn't included in the NST distribution (its not really intended for monitoring weather), I was able to make use of the X server capabilities built into the NST. I was able to run my real time lightning display utility on a different system and use the NST as the display. Looks like there's just rain in my area (the midwest is pretty void of lightning). Ron Henderson and Paul Blankenbaker share some history during the initial creation of the National Lightning Detection Network. We were both involved in the creation of a Lightning Direction Controller Finder (US Patent 5,036,334).

System Monitor: DockApps

System Monitor: DockApps
This screen shows various available DockApps on the NST FluxBox menu.

System Monitor/Physical Security: GKrellM and GKrellKam

System Monitor/Physical Security: GKrellM and GKrellKam
This screen displays the GKrellM application which is a single process stack of system monitors which supports themes to match its appearance to the associated window manager. The GKrellKam plugin is also shown. This plugin displays thumbnails of periodically updated images. A thumbnail and fully rendered image of the traffic flowing over the Tappanzee Bridge is displayed by the GKrellKam plugin.

Firewall Management: Firewall Builder

Firewall Management: Firewall Builder
This screenshot shows the @fwbuilderLink("Firewall Builder") application running within the NST FluxBox X Window manager. @fwbuilderLink("Firewall Builder") is a multi-platform firewall configuration and management tool that currently supports iptables, ipfilter, OpenBSD PF and Cisco PIX firewalls. The @fwbuilderLink("Firewall Builder") also supports management of the @iptablesLink() firewall ruleset policy within the Linksys WRT54G and WRT54GS routers running firmware from Sveasoft.

NST WUI: Snort Setup

NST WUI: Snort Setup
This screen shows a portion of the NST Web User Interface (WUI) page for setting up the snort IDS application.

NST WUI: File Viewer

NST WUI: File Viewer
This screen shows the NST Web User Interface (WUI) file viewer page. The NST WUI file viewer is capable of viewing files in ASCII or hex mode, prepending line numbers, varying display widths and content output lengths, file editing, file download, file status and auto-refresh file tail viewing.