The last line of any bash CGI script in the NST WUI.
The following parameters are recognized:
Optional "width" in pixels for the domTT "Exit" tooltip.
Alternate file to view from current NST WUI page.
Fold / Header icon image scale as a real number. Used for smaller page layouts. Default: 1.0.
An optional anchor point name for the for last header line.
NOTE: This macro will include an extra "Exit" button at the end of the page if the @exitAnchor() macro is defined. See @wuiExitButton() for a better example of this feature.
Example of using the macro:
@bashCgiBegin("$Id: bash.xml,v 1.94 2009/09/13 12:15:59 pblankenbaker Exp $","2005-01-25","Example top CGI Script") . ../include/ @bashCgiOutBegin() @p("The following shows the processes currently running on the system.") @runCommand("export TERM=ansi; /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b") @bashCgiOutEnd() @bashCgiEnd()
Assuming the
class is within your CLASSPATH
and the
macros file has been
generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the
directory), a developer should be able to
run the above example by copy/pasting from below:
[root@probe root]#
java <<EOF
@bashCgiBegin("$Id: bash.xml,v 1.94 2009/09/13 12:15:59 pblankenbaker Exp $","2005-01-25","Example top CGI Script") . ../include/ @bashCgiOutBegin() @p("The following shows the processes currently running on the system.") @runCommand("export TERM=ansi; /usr/bin/top -n 1 -b") @bashCgiOutEnd() @bashCgiEnd()
This macro is defined as:
@bashCgiOutBegin() @ifEqual("@exitAnchor()",,," @wuiHtmlHeader("exit"," ",,"@fnb("@param(2)","undefined")","@ifEqual("@param(3)",,,"@param(3)")") @verticalGapSmall() <center> @hereButton("${QUERY_return:-"/nstwui/index.cgi#@exitAnchor()"}","${QUERY_return_label:-"Exit"}","@toolTipAttr("@jsn("${QUERY_return_label:-"Exit"}") to page: ${QUERY_return_from:-"@jstc("NST WUI Index","@toolTipEmphasis()")"}.","@fnb("@param(0)","400")")","@htmlAttr("style","display: inline;")") </center >") @verticalGap() @docEnd("@param(1)") @bashCgiOutEnd() @define("wuiExitButtonFields","","now")