Displays <form> with single @wuiInputButton() to jump to location.
The following parameters are recognized:
Location to jump to when user presses button.
Label to appear on button (defaults to "here").
Optional title attribute to appear as a tooltip to the user when their mouse hovers over the button.
Optional set of attributes to apply to input entity.
This macro allows one to insert a button into the HTML output that returns to a specific location when pressed by the user. If the URL is omitted, it is assumed that the QUERY_return environment variable will contain the address to return to.
Example of using the macro:
@p("Well done, use the button below to return to the index page:") <center> @hereButton("/nstwui","Return","Return To Main Page","@htmlAttr("style","width: 1in;")") </center>
Assuming the com.ccg.macros.at.All
class is within your CLASSPATH
and the
macros file has been
generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the
directory), a developer should be able to
run the above example by copy/pasting from below:
[root@probe root]#
java com.ccg.macros.at.All <<EOF
@p("Well done, use the button below to return to the index page:") <center> @hereButton("/nstwui","Return","Return To Main Page","@htmlAttr("style","width: 1in;")") </center>
This macro is defined as:
@htmlEntity("form"," @wuiInputHidden("synckey","${QUERY_synckey}") @wuiInputHidden("ieForceJump","${QUERY_ieForceJump}") @wuiInputButton("submit","@fnb("@param(1)","here")","@param(2)","@param(3)") ","@htmlAttr("action","@fnb("@param(0)","${QUERY_return:-/nstwui}")")")