Inserts HTML link to take user to directory browser.

The following parameters are recognized:


The directory on the server to browse.


The text to appear in the HTML page (defaults to directory if omitted).


Optional return value (defaults to: "index.cgi" if omitted).


Optional return from label.


Optional parameter passing SYNCKEY value.


Optional directory filter value (defaults to ".* *" if omitted).


Optional file filter value (defaults to ".* *" if omitted).


Optional browse button return label (defaults to "Return" if omitted).

This macro allows one to insert a HTML link to take the user to the NST directory browser for a particular directory on the server.

Example of using the macro:

You might want to browse the @wuiBrowseLink("/var/log") directory or
    even root's @wuiBrowseLink("/root","home directory").

Assuming the com.ccg.macros.at.All class is within your CLASSPATH and the config/bash.at macros file has been generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the wui directory), a developer should be able to run the above example by copy/pasting from below:

[root@probe root]# java com.ccg.macros.at.All <<EOF
You might want to browse the @wuiBrowseLink("/var/log") directory or
    even root's @wuiBrowseLink("/root","home directory").

This macro is defined as:

<span@ttNSTDirBrowser("@param(0)","$(calcDomTTLen "@param(0)" 130 300 1600)","@ttLine1px("@ttAction("Browse") the @ttEmphasis("Contents","false") of this @ttValue("Directory","false"):")","Directory",,"@fnb("@param(5)",".* *")",,"@fnb("@param(6)",".* *")")>@link("@topDir()/cgi-bin/system/browse.cgi?path=$(url_esc_seq "@param(0)")&amp;return=@encodeFormParam("@fnb("@param(2)","@outUrl()/index.cgi")")&amp;return_from=@encodeFormParam("@fnb("@param(3)","Index")")&amp;dir_match=@encodeFormParam("@fnb("@param(5)",".* *")")&amp;file_match=@encodeFormParam("@fnb("@param(6)",".* *")")&amp;return_label=@encodeFormParam("@fnb("@param(7)","Return")")@ifEqual("@param(4)","","","&amp;synckey=$(url_esc_seq "@param(4)")")","@fnb("@param(1)","@param(0)")")</span>