Typically inserts an HTML link with a domTT tooltip to another NST page.
The following parameters are recognized:
Page name used in the DOMTT.
URL address to section name to jump to.
The text to appear in the HTML page.
Optional width in "pixels" for the tooltip (defaults to "400" if omitted).
Example of using the macro:
Go to the @jumpLinkPageTT("host","./host.cgi","Help") page for network name resolution.
Assuming the com.ccg.macros.at.All
class is within your CLASSPATH
and the
macros file has been
generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the
directory), a developer should be able to
run the above example by copy/pasting from below:
[root@probe root]#
java com.ccg.macros.at.All <<EOF
Go to the @jumpLinkPageTT("host","./host.cgi","Help") page for network name resolution.
This macro is defined as:
<span@htmlAttr("style","font-weight: bold;")@toolTipAttr("@jsn("Jump") to @jstc("NST WUI","@toolTipEmphasis()") page: @jsdh("@param(0)")","@fnb("@param(3)","$(calcDomTTLen "@param(0)" 170)")")>@link("@param(1)","@param(2)")</span>