Saves contents of file posted by user from @wuiInputFileEdit().
The following parameters are recognized:
Name associated with the input field. Use the name "contents" if retuning from the NST PHP File Editor.
NAME of file to save contents of ${QUERY_'NAME'} to.
Owner to set on file after save (like: "root").
Group to set on file after save (like: "root").
Permisssion to set on file after save (like: "644").
This macro is defined as:
SAVE_FILE_RESULTS="1"; TMPFILE_@param(0)=\"$(/bin/mktemp /tmp/wuiInputFileSaveXXXXXX)\" && printf \"%s\\n\" \"${QUERY_@param(0)}\" | \\ /bin/sed -e 's,\\r$,,' >| \"${TMPFILE_@param(0)}\" && /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/php @topDir()/php/lib/InstallFollowBash.php \\ \"@param(2)\" \"@param(3)\" \"@param(4)\" \\ \"${TMPFILE_@param(0)}\" \"@param(1)\" && SAVE_FILE_RESULTS="0"; /bin/rm -f \"${TMPFILE_@param(0)}\";