Inserts a header line with navigation AND ability to "collapse it".
The following parameters are recognized:
The unique ID to associate with the header line (the area ID will be assigned: ID + "-area" and the icon will be assigned: ID + "-icon")
The text to appear on the header line.
The header level to use (defaults to "h2").
The initial "collapse" state. Pass "none" to initially hide, or "block" to initially show (any CSS "display" value is legal).
Fold / Header icon image scale as a real number. Used for smaller page layouts. Default: 1.0.
An optional anchor point name for the collapsible header.
Example of using the macro:
@bashCgiOutBegin() @collapsibleHeaderBegin("myid","My Information") @p("This paragraph WILL be shown initially.") @collapsibleHeaderEnd() @collapsibleHeaderBegin("status","Current Status",,"none") @p("This paragraph will not be shown initially.") @collapsibleHeaderEnd() @collapsibleHeaderBegin("info","Current Information",,"block",0.8) @p("This paragraph WILL be shown initially using a compact page section header format of 80%.") @collapsibleHeaderEnd() @bashCgiOutEnd()
Assuming the
class is within your CLASSPATH
and the
macros file has been
generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the
directory), a developer should be able to
run the above example by copy/pasting from below:
[root@probe root]#
java <<EOF
@bashCgiOutBegin() @collapsibleHeaderBegin("myid","My Information") @p("This paragraph WILL be shown initially.") @collapsibleHeaderEnd() @collapsibleHeaderBegin("status","Current Status",,"none") @p("This paragraph will not be shown initially.") @collapsibleHeaderEnd() @collapsibleHeaderBegin("info","Current Information",,"block",0.8) @p("This paragraph WILL be shown initially using a compact page section header format of 80%.") @collapsibleHeaderEnd() @bashCgiOutEnd()
This macro is defined as:
@debug(5,"@param(1)") @ifEqual("@param(5)",,,"<div@htmlAttr("id","@param(5)")></div>") @javascriptBegin() @ifEqual("@param(5)","","","wuiNavHdAttach = document.getElementById("@param(5)");") setNavLinkHome("@topDir()/index.cgi","","@exitAnchor()"); addCollapsibleHeader("@param(1)","@param(0)","@param(3)","@fnb("@param(2)","h2")","@imageDirUrl()/",null,@fnb("@param(4)","undefined")); @define("wuiHtmlHeaderAnchor","@param(0)","now") @javascriptEnd() <div @htmlAttr("id","@param(0)-area") @htmlAttr("style","display: @fnb("@param(3)","block");")>