Inserts link to jump to IP wizard page for a specific IP adddress.
The following parameters are recognized:
The IP address in question.
Test to apear (if omitted, IP address is shown).
Where the exit button from the IP Wizard should go.
Optional title attribute to appear as a tooltip.
Example of using the macro:
<p>We determined a IP address of @wuiIpWizardLink("${REMOTE_ADDR}",,"@topDir()/cgi-bin/server/vnc.cgi#@wuiHtmlHeaderAnchor()").</p>
Assuming the
class is within your CLASSPATH
and the
macros file has been
generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the
directory), a developer should be able to
run the above example by copy/pasting from below:
[root@probe root]#
java <<EOF
<p>We determined a IP address of @wuiIpWizardLink("${REMOTE_ADDR}",,"@topDir()/cgi-bin/server/vnc.cgi#@wuiHtmlHeaderAnchor()").</p>
This macro is defined as:
<a @htmlAttr("href","@topDir()/cgi-bin/wizards/ip.cgi?ip_addr=@param(0)@ifEqual("@param(2)",,,"&return=@param(2)")") @toolTipAttr("@fnb("@param(3)","@jsn("Get") additional information on @jstc("IP Address","@toolTipEmphasis()"): @jsdh("@param(0)").")","460") >@fnb("@param(1)","@param(0)")</a>