Inserts standard navigation bar for NST WUI.
The following parameters are recognized:
The name and/or IP address of the probe in the form of: "probe<br />", or "".
The date and time on two lines. Like: "${NST_DATE}<br />${NST_TIME}".
How long the NST probe has been up and running as reported by uptime.
The current load average on the NST probe as reported by uptime.
The URL to associate with the "No Frames" button (defaults to top level index if omitted).
Set this to "true" if you want valid XML output, omit (or pass "quirks") if you want quirks mode.
This macro inserts the standard NST navigation header bar into the document. It is typically used immediately following after <body>. NOTE: The macro @rootFrame() must be defined prior to using this macro and must point to the initial "framed" version of the site. Also, the @rootIndex() macro must be defined and point to the root index page for the site.
This macro is defined as:
@javascriptBegin() // // Force insertion of top nav bar now var botBarNeeded = NstWui._AddBotNavBar; NstWui.navBars(true, false); NstWui.insertNavBars(); // Restore bottom nav bar flag (top no longer needed) NstWui.navBars(false, botBarNeeded); @javascriptEnd() ")