@htmlEntity(ENTITY, [TEXT], [ATTR])

Inserts <ENTITY ATTRS>[TEXT</ENTITY>] into output.

The following parameters are recognized:


The HTML entity to insert into the output stream.


The text to insert between the entity opening/closing tag.


The attributes to insert into the HTML entity.

This allows one to insert a HTML entity into the output in such a manner that the begin/end pairs are properly matched.

Example of using the macro:


Assuming the com.ccg.macros.at.All class is within your CLASSPATH and the config/html.at macros file has been generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the wui directory), a developer should be able to run the above example by copy/pasting from below:

[root@probe root]# java com.ccg.macros.at.All <<EOF


This macro is defined as:
