Add a button that links to a page at the NST Wiki.
The following parameters are recognized:
The name of the NST Wiki page to be shown like: "Multi-Tap_Network_Packet_Capturing". If omitted, it defaults to the main page (Main_Page).
The name of the NST Wiki page to be shown on the button (like: "Multi-Tap Network Packet Capturing"). If omitted PAGE_NAME is used with underscores replaced by spaces.
Any optional attributes to include in the <a> entity formed (like tooltips).
Used to construct a button to a single page within the NST Wiki.
Example of using the macro:
@nstWikiButton("Multi-Tap_Network_Packet_Capturing") @nstWikiButton("Hard_Disk_Install_Setup_Tips#HD_Install","Hard Disk Installation") @nstWikiButton("Hard_Disk_Install_Setup_Tips#HD_Install","Hard Disk Installation"," @htmlAttr("style","font-size: 150%;") @toolTipAttr("My DOM Tooltip","300")")
Assuming the
class is within your CLASSPATH
and the
macros file has been
generated (Hint: run make atmacros in the
directory), a developer should be able to
run the above example by copy/pasting from below:
[root@probe root]#
java <<EOF
@nstWikiButton("Multi-Tap_Network_Packet_Capturing") @nstWikiButton("Hard_Disk_Install_Setup_Tips#HD_Install","Hard Disk Installation") @nstWikiButton("Hard_Disk_Install_Setup_Tips#HD_Install","Hard Disk Installation"," @htmlAttr("style","font-size: 150%;") @toolTipAttr("My DOM Tooltip","300")")
This macro is defined as: