NST Script Index


atmacros - Macro processor for text files. See atmacros.html for detailed information on using the script.


etherapedump - A utility to dump network resources from an Etherape XML export. See etherapedump.html for detailed information on using the script.


getipaddr - Get information about IPv4/IPv6 Addresses and Network Interface Devices configured on this NST system. See getipaddr.html for detailed information on using the script.


ipt_netflow - Script and kernel modules to turn system into Netflow source. See ipt_netflow.html for detailed information on using the script.


lddcheck - Finds programs on system with missing library dependencies. See lddcheck.html for detailed information on using the script.


make-bios-update-iso - Create a bootable ISO image for the purpose of updating BIOS. See make-bios-update-iso.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstboot - Used to manage start-up, shutdown and Grub2 actions related to NST. See nstboot.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstcert - NST script to generate SSL certificates. See nstcert.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstgeolocate - Geolocate Hosts obtained from an 'ntop' session, an 'ntopng' session or Geolocate IPv4 Address conversations from a network packet capture file on a Mercator World Map projection or Global imagery. See nstgeolocate.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstidsgeolocate - Retreive IDS alert event information using NST script: snortdb2xml from a IDS collector MySQL database and generate a KML document for rendering geolocated IDS event source host IPv4 Addresses with signature event information on global imagery. See nstidsgeolocate.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstkismet - NST script to administer kismet. See nstkismet.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstliveinst - NST script to customize the liveinst process for a hard disk installation. See nstliveinst.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstmenu - Script to manage menus on a NST system. See nstmenu.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstnetcfg - A command line network interface configuration tool for an NST system. See nstnetcfg.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstnewscript - Stubs in the start of a new script into a NST development system. See nstnewscript.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstnewscript - Stubs in the start of a new script into a NST development system. See nstnewscript.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstnikto - NST script to administer nikto. See nstnikto.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstpasswd - Manage passwords on a NST distribution. See nstpasswd.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstringbufcap - An NST script used to manage ring buffer network packet captures. See nstringbufcap.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstsetproxy - Used to manage proxy server configuration for NST. See nstsetproxy.html for detailed information on using the script.


nsttraceroute - Generate Text, XML, KML and KMZ formats from the network traceroute utility. See nsttraceroute.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstvncadmin - NST script to administer virtual desktops. See nstvncadmin.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstwatchdog - A watchdog script implementation to reboot the NST system upon a test event failure (e.g., ping). See nstwatchdog.html for detailed information on using the script.


nstzabbix - Script to manage Zabbix on an NST probe. See nstzabbix.html for detailed information on using the script.


null-modem-ppp - Used to setup a PPP connection over a direct serial connection. See null-modem-ppp.html for detailed information on using the script.


pcap2convxml - Create an IPv4 Address conversation list from a pcap file in XML format with Geolocation information. See pcap2convxml.html for detailed information on using the script.


psleaks - Reports process attributes associated with resource leaks. See psleaks.html for detailed information on using the script.


psrelated - Search for related processes. See psrelated.html for detailed information on using the script.


setup_metasploit - Used to setup a runtime execution environment for the Metasploit framework exploit tool suite. See setup_metasploit.html for detailed information on using the script.


snortdb2xml - Retreive IDS alert event and signature information from an IDS collector Sguil MariaDB database with resulting output in XML format. See snortdb2xml.html for detailed information on using the script.


snort_updater_conf - Configure and schedule rule set updates for the Snort IDS. See snort_updater_conf.html for detailed information on using the script.


snort_updater - Update rule sets for configured Snort instances on a NST probe. See snort_updater.html for detailed information on using the script.


ssh-auth-keys - Update ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file(s) on remote systems. See ssh-auth-keys.html for detailed information on using the script.


urlcache - Caches local copies of URLs. See urlcache.html for detailed information on using the script.


xkillall - Kills all X windows running a specific command. See xkillall.html for detailed information on using the script.