Building The Documentation

By default, documents are placed under the directory tmp/public_html/nst and tmp/public_html/nstwui under the source directory. You can change this by passing the --html-dir DIR option to the configure script.

Personally, I like to specify --html-dir $HOME/public_html. This allows me to view the documentation on my development system (which has a web server running), by pointing a browser at http://localhost/${USER}/nst/index.html.

The following assumes you have a copy of the Network Security Toolkit source code under the $HOME/nst directory.

If you have not yet run the configure, you will need to do so now.

[pkb@salsa pkb]$ cd $HOME/nst
[pkb@salsa nst]$ ./configure

To build all of the documentation at once:

[pkb@salsa pkb]$ cd $HOME/nst
[pkb@salsa nst]$ make docs

You can check to see what files were created using the following commands (assuming you used the defaults when you ran configure):

[pkb@salsa nst]$ find tmp/public_html

If you are a developer working on the documentation, you can build portions of the documentation individually.

To build JUST the DocBook documents:

[pkb@salsa pkb]$ cd $HOME/nst/docs
[pkb@salsa docs]$ make

As the DocBook documents can take a long time to build, you may find yourself in the situation where you're saying "Dang, I wish there was a way to just build this one document!" Well, your lucky day has come. You can invoke make help under the docs directory (be prepared to pipe this into less) to see all of the individual documents that can be built. To use this feature, you should invoke the make setup at least once (this will install the shared files for you). For example, to build JUST the HTML version of this technical manual:

[pkb@salsa pkb]$ cd $HOME/nst/docs
[pkb@salsa docs]$ make setup
[pkb@salsa docs]$ make tech.html

As it turns out, large DocBook files can take a long time to build. If you are working on a particular section of a document, it is possible to build just that section. This will further reduce your compile time. However, it should be noted, that the sub document compiled will take the place of the entire parent document. For example, the following commands would compile the docs/user/vpn.xml to its HTML form and and install it as if it were the entire document known as: Using the Network Security Toolkit.

[pkb@salsa pkb]$ cd $HOME/nst/docs
[pkb@salsa docs]$ make setup
[pkb@salsa docs]$ make user.vpn

To build JUST the web site HTML:

[pkb@salsa pkb]$ cd $HOME/nst/html
[pkb@salsa html]$ make

To build the JUST the web base user interface:

[pkb@salsa pkb]$ cd $HOME/nst/wui
[pkb@salsa wui]$ make