Do a Sanity Check

Prior to creating a release, one should perform the following sanity checks.


In order to perform all of the sanity checks, you will need BOTH your NST development system and a running NST probe.


You should do a CVS update and commit to ensure that you are not missing any outstanding modifications.

make rpm-update

Run this from the top level to make certain that you have all of the latest RPM packages released for the base distribution.

make package-check-url

Run this from the top level to check the URL locations of the optional packages (and home pages) to verify that the source for the optional packages can still be found at the time of release.

make package-check

Run this from the top level to make certain that you have all of the optional packages built and installed.

find /usr/local/src/pcutils

This directory contains the utility programs we bundle with the NST distribution. You should review these files and remove the ones that are no longer pertinent. In particular, there should just be one copy of "". If you are missing this file, run: "make vmware-cfg".

make probe-check HOST=IP

Run this from the top level to perform numerous checks on the running NST probe with the IP address specified. There will be a LOT of output produced. A copy of the output will be saved to the file: "probe-check.log" which may be viewed using the command: "less -R probe-check.log". Make sure the file looks clean (or like you would expect). Make sure you aren't tempted to skip this step. We thought we were OK and skipped this step during the 1.8.1 release and ended up delivering a ISO image with a broken sym-link.