
IFGraph is a set of Perl scripts that were created to fetch data from SNMP agents and feed a RRD file (Round Robin Database) for graphical presentations at a later date. All graphics are rendered from the RDD database using the RRDtool tool. IFGraph has 3 main Perl script components:

ifgraph.pl: this script is responsable for creating, organizing and mantaining the RRD databases. The program also queries the SNMP agents, analizing the returned data before sending it to RRDtool

find-if.pl: this script was created to help the admin to set the ifgraph.conf file. You feed it with the correct arguments (try ./ifgraph -h) and it will show the network interfaces of the selected host. With this data you decide what interfaces you will monitor.

makegraph.pl: this script reads the RRD databases and queries the SNMP agents searching for info that will help in the creation of the HTML files and in the PNG images.