Network Security Toolkit (NST) Patch: U200703101 Logo
Detailed Patch README File - Last Updated: 2008-02-28T23:41:42-05:00

Patch Summary: Installs Skype (v1.3.0.53) onto NST system.

Patch Release Specifications:

Patch Can Be Applied To NST Distribution v1.4.0 - all
Patch Type update
Architecture i386
Can Patch Be Installed On A NST Live CD/DVD yes
Patch Creation Date 2007-03-10
Current Patch Version Number 1.0.1
Patch Download
MD5SUM Checksum a076c96d175bde7690cfbc0c6c940774

Patch Revision History:

2007-03-11 (v1.0.1)
Now removes the skype- file after it is no longer needed (prior version left it on the system).

2007-03-10 (v1.0.0)
This update will download the binary distribution for the Skype instant messenger and VOIP tool. Installing this package will cause the NST system to download a large package (14MB+) - you will need to be patient if you install this update using the NST WUI (you won't see anything for a long time). The Skype package will be installed under the "/var/nst/opt" directory. A symbolic link will be added such that one should be able to use: "/usr/bin/skype" to launch the application. Unfortunately, we don't have a good mechanism for automating the updating of the fluxbox menu system yet (you'll need to edit $HOME/.fluxbox/menu by hand).

Patch Release Notes:

This patch can be applied by hand by downloading the patch file: "" to your NST probe system, unzipping it and then running the "" script contained, For example:

[root@probe ~]# mkdir /tmp/patch
[root@probe ~]# cd /tmp/patch
[root@probe patch]# wget -nH

  ... output from wget ...

[root@probe patch]# unzip

  ... output from unzip ...

[root@probe patch]# ./

  ... output from ...

[root@probe patch]# cd
[root@probe ~]# rm -fr /tmp/patch
[root@probe ~]#