Chapter 2. Trouble Shooting

Table of Contents

Why Does My NST Boot So Slow?
Why can't I boot the Network Security Toolkit CD?
Why did my keyboard stop working?
What's Wrong with My Console Keyboard and Fonts?

Why Does My NST Boot So Slow?

The Network Security Toolkit is designed to provide you with a full complement of Linux tools directly from the CD. Due to the heavy use of the CD at boot time, one will come to find that the speed of the CD drive is the bottle neck.

For example, Paul finds that the Network Security Toolkit runs fine on his old Sager Laptop with a 466MHZ, however it takes a bit long to start due to the speed of the CD drive.

If you have a slow CD drive in your system, you'll find that a $20 (USD) investment in a new 52X CD drive will greatly improve your experience with the Network Security Toolkit.