Chapter 3. Tricks On Using The Tools

Table of Contents

How Do I Reduce The Load Nessus Puts On The System?
What Is The Password For The Nessus Client?
Why Does My NST Probe Lock Up After Running Nessus Scans?
Can I Run Nessus In A Virtual Machine?
How Do I Register My Nessus Installation?
How Do I Keep My Nessus Rules Up To Date?
Can I Install Nessus 3.0.4 On NST?
How Do I Deal With The Broken start_nessusd Script in the v1.2.2 Release?
How Do I Start/Stop/Customize Argus?
What is the Argus URL?
Why Do I Have to Login to Argus?
Why Aren't There Graphs In Argus?
How Do I Get Argus To Send Email Notifications?
How Do I Simplify My Argus Setup?
How Do I Enable gkrellmd?

This section of the FAQ describes some useful tricks when using the tools bundled with the Network Security Toolkit.


How Do I Reduce The Load Nessus Puts On The System?

When Nessus peforms its scans, it can perform multiple tests on multiple hosts simultaneously. This can put a rather large load on your NST system. If you are running from a Live CD on a system with too little RAM, its possible to run out of memory and lock your system. You can reduce the load by adjusting the "max_hosts", "max_checks", and "be_nice" settings found in the "/etc/nessus/nessusd.conf" file. The following snip of the "/etc/nessus/nessusd.conf" file demonstrates values one might use to reduce the load:

# Maximum number of simultaneous hosts tested : 
max_hosts = 3

# Maximum number of simultaneous checks against each host tested : 
max_checks = 5

# Niceness. If set to 'yes', nessusd will renice itself to 10.
be_nice = yes

What Is The Password For The Nessus Client?

If you use the Nessus client, you'll be required to enter a user name and password when you connect to the Nessus server. By default, you will need to enter root as the user ID and the value of NSTCTPASSWD found in /etc/nst.conf.


This password is not set by the nstpasswd script which is used to set many of the encrypted passwords found on they system. The Nessus client/server installation on the NST requires a "clear text" password. The Nessus server uses the value of NSTCTPASSWD found in /etc/nst.conf. Alternatively, you can use grep and sed commands to examine and change it. All changes need to be done PRIOR to starting up Nessus server.

[root@probe root]# grep NSTCTPASSWD /etc/nst.conf
#   - You may want to modify NSTCTPASSWD prior to starting
[root@probe root]# sed -i -e 's/^NSTCTPASSWD=.*/NSTCTPASSWD="NEWPASSWORD"/' /etc/nst.conf
[root@probe root]# grep NSTCTPASSWD /etc/nst.conf
#   - You may want to modify NSTCTPASSWD prior to starting
[root@probe root]# 

Why Does My NST Probe Lock Up After Running Nessus Scans?

We discovered that the Nessus daemon now likes to create very large log and dump files under the /var/nessus/logs directory. Unfortunately, this can fill the root RAM file system. This can cause your NST probe to slow to a crawl or even lock up (the NST becomes quite unhappy if you run out of space on /).

In order to prevent this, you will need to modify the following lines in your /etc/nessus/nessusd.conf configuration file. The /etc/nessus/nessusd.conf file is much larger than shown - we are only showing the portion to be modified.

# Log file (or 'syslog') : 
logfile = /var/nessus/logs/nessusd.messages

# Shall we log every details of the attack ?
log_whole_attack = yes

# Log the name of the plugins that are loaded by the server ?
log_plugins_name_at_load = no

# Dump file for debugging output, use `-' for stdout
dumpfile = /var/nessus/logs/nessusd.dump

The trick is to change logfile and dumpfile settings to /dev/null. This causes all of the output to be discarded. We're also going to set log_whole_attack to no. The modifed section of the /etc/nessus/nessusd.conf file would then look like:

# Log file (or 'syslog') : 
logfile = /dev/null

# Shall we log every details of the attack ?
log_whole_attack = no

# Log the name of the plugins that are loaded by the server ?
log_plugins_name_at_load = no

# Dump file for debugging output, use `-' for stdout
dumpfile = /dev/null


Unfortunately, this condition was not detected until after the 1.2.0 release of the NST. In future releases, you will only need to edit this configuration file if you need to enable the logging or dump features.

Can I Run Nessus In A Virtual Machine?

It is possible to run Nessus within the NST Virtual Machine. This has several advantages over a Live CD boot (permanent disk storage for one). However, there is apparently a big performance hit as shown in the output below:

[root@nic /]# service nessusd start
Starting Nessus services: 

**** This host seems to be running under VMware.
**** Nessus performance is abysmal when running under VMware
**** We do not recommand you use this setup in production

                                                           [  OK  ]
[root@nic /]# 

How Do I Register My Nessus Installation?

After setting up Nessus on a NST probe with the local rule set, one may decide that they would like to register their Nessus installation. This will greatly increase the number of rules Nessus will have at its disposal. In order to register your Nessus installation, you will need to request a registration code from the Nessus web site ( You will then need to run the nessus-fetch command as shown below:

[root@nic /]# nessus-fetch --register 9732-2C31-316C-7C06-5A32
Your activation code has been registered properly - thank you.
Now fetching the newest plugin set from
Your Nessus installation is now up-to-date.
Make sure to call regularly use the command 'nessus-update-plugins' to stay up-to-date
To automate the update process, please visit <>

[root@nic /]# 


Alternatively, one can use the NST WUI. The NST WUI allows one to specify their activation code when updating the Nessus rules. The activation code only needs to be specified the first time one updates their rules (leave the field blank on subsequent updates).

How Do I Keep My Nessus Rules Up To Date?

There are several ways to keep you Nessus plugins up to date.

  • Set up Inprotect on your system (it will update the Nessus plugins for you each night).

  • Run the nessus-update-plugins to manually update the plugins.

  • Add a cron entry, or symbolic link to run the nessus-update-plugins automatically (NOTE: the crond service must be running). The following would enable the updates once per day.

    [root@nic ~] ln -s /usr/local/sbin/nessus-update-plugins /etc/cron.daily
    [root@nic ~] service crond start
    Starting crond:                                            [  OK  ]
    [root@nic ~] 

Can I Install Nessus 3.0.4 On NST?


These instructions have never been fully verified, but should be enough to get one started. If you find that the instructions work for you (or if your find errors in these instructions), please let us know on the NST Forum.

The 3.0.4 version of Nessus has a license which prevents it from being included in the NST distribution. If you would like to install this newer version of Nessus on your system, here are the recommended steps:

  • From the Nessus web site (, you will need to download the Nessus-3.0.4-fc5.i386.rpm for a 1.5.0 release of the NST (if you have a 1.4.X release of the NST, look for the Fedora Core 4 version of the RPM).

  • Copy the RPM file to the /tmp directory on your NST probe.

  • Run the following commands to extract the RPM, update the shared library search path, and your PATH settings.

    [root@nic ~]# cd /
    [root@nic /]# rpm2cpio /var/nst/Nessus-3.0.4-fc5.i386.rpm | \
    cpio --extract --make-directories
    76507 blocks
    [root@nic /]# echo "/opt/nessus/lib" >| /etc/
    [root@nic /]# ldconfig
    [root@nic /]# export PATH="/opt/nessus/sbin:/opt/nessus/bin:${PATH}";
    [root@nic /]# 
  • If you're working with a hard disk installation of the NST, you may want to replace the old nessus executables (under /usr/local/sbin and /usr/local/bin) with symbolic links to the new executables found under /opt/nessus/sbin and /opt/nessus/bin. This should only be required if you plan on using Nessus through the NST WUI.

  • Follow the installation instructions at the Nessus web site to finish your installation.


This is only recommended after performing a hard disk installation of the NST.

How Do I Deal With The Broken start_nessusd Script in the v1.2.2 Release?


Paul introduced a bug in the start_nessusd script, which prevents it from working properly if the -rdir DIRECTORY option is omitted. These instructions allow users of the 1.2.2 release to work around the bug which was introduced.

The start_nessusd script included in the 1.2.2 release of the NST has a bug which prevents it from automatically creating a RAM disk at the time of invocation. There are two different ways to work around this particular bug.

Create Your RAM Disk First

You can use the create_ramdisk command to allocate your RAM disk prior to starting the Nessus server. You then use the -rdir DIRECTORY option to the start_nessusd script to indicate the location of the RAM disk. The following example creates a 96MB RAM disk mounted at /mnt/ram5 and then instructs start_nessusd to make use of it:

[root@probe root]# create_ramdisk -s 96 -d /dev/ram5

*** Successfully created a 98304KB RAM Disk: "/dev/ram5" at mount point: "/mnt/ram5"...

[root@probe root]# start_nessusd -v -rdir /mnt/ram5

... A lot of output (which has been omitted from this document) ...

*** Starting up nessusd...
/usr/local/sbin/nessusd -D
All plugins loaded

nessusd successfully started...

[root@probe root]# 

Don't Use A RAM Disk

Instead of allocating a RAM disk, use the /dev/shm memory device (that has at least 160MB free), or an existing disk partition (that has at least 96MB free).

You can use the df command to check the amount of space left on particular directory. For example, the command sequence below shows that there is enough space available on /dev/shm, but not on /var and then invokes startup_nessus making use of /dev/shm.

[root@probe root]# df -m /dev/shm
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
none                       252         0       252   0% /dev/shm
[root@probe root]# df -m /var
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/ram1                   62        29        34  46% /
[root@probe root]# start_nessusd -v -rdir /dev/shm

... A lot of output (which has been omitted from this document) ...

*** Starting up nessusd...
/usr/local/sbin/nessusd -D
All plugins loaded

nessusd successfully started...

[root@probe root]# 


You can include the -rdir /dev/shm on Options line in the NST Web based User Interface (if you are managing the NST probe via a web browser).


More free space is required if /dev/shm is used, as it is also used for the temporary retrieval of updates for Nessus.