Backing Up and Restoring Inprotect

The NST WUI Inprotect page allows one to backup the contents of the Inprotect database, and to import (restore) it at initial setup. This can save a lot of time as it is much quicker to restore a database than it is to initialize and then configure Inprotect by hand. This is particularily handy when you update a NST system to the newest release, or when you need to transfer your Inprotect to another NST system.

Figure 66. Export And Download Inprotect Database

Export And Download Inprotect Database

To backup a copy of the Inprotect database, select the Export And Download button from the NST WUI Inprotect page. The contents of the database will be sent to your computer in a compressed form (remember the location of this file).

Before we can restore our backup, we will first need to remove Inprotect from the NST system. Locate and press the Remove button on the NST WUI Inprotect page to remove the current Inprotect setup.

Figure 67. Remove Inprotect From NST

Remove Inprotect From NST

Pressing the Remove button, will remove our Inprotect setup from the system. The tail end of the results of the removal should be similar to what's shown below:

Figure 68. Inprotect Database Removed

Inprotect Database Removed

Pressing the Continue button shown above will take us back to the NST WUI Inprotect page where we can setup Inprotect once again.

Figure 69. Inprotect Setup With Database

Inprotect Setup With Database

In addition to filling in the password fields, we'll also select the "Upload Database" radio button and enter the location of the Inprotect database we previously downloaded. We'll then press the Setup Inprotect button to once again setup Inprotect.


When a database is not imported, a user account (root) is created for you having the same password as the database used by Inprotect. However, when one imports a database, the user account table in the database will be used. This means that the root account may not be present or may have a different password than the one specified on the form.

When setting up Inprotect in this fashion, we'll notice the following differences:

  • The setup will be much faster as the initial import of the Nessus rules won't be required (the time dropped from 5 minutes to 2 seconds on the Sun X4600).

  • We won't need to reconfigure Inprotect (all of the settings should still be present).

  • Our historical scan results will be restored as well (we'll immediately be able to review scan results).